Information and Autonomous Control System (INACOS) is a laboratory that conducts research activities in the field of information technology and control to be implemented directly in the industrial community. For this reason, this lab conducts research that is related to solving problems faced directly by heavy industry, medical or other industries, such as the use of industrial robots, medical robots, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), UAVs, or industrial electronics. The research is conducted in collaboration between lecturers, researchers, and students from various faculties and institutions, both national and international.

Pembina Lab INACOS:
Angga Rusdinar, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. |
Dr. -Ing. Fiky Yosef Surahman |
Yusuf Nur Wijayanto, S.T., M.Eng, Ph.D. |
Irwan Purnama, S.Si., M.Sc, Ph.D. |
Dr. Rizki Ardianto Priramadhi S.T., M.T. |
Azam Zamhuri Fuadi S.ST., M.T. |
Industry and International Collaboration: