Lab – lab pada Kelompok Keahlian Control Electronics and Intelligent Systems (KK CEIS) memiliki fokus 3 fokus penelitian, yaitu:

  • Automation Systems and Intelligent Control (ASIC)
  • Renewable Energy and Advanced Electrical Engineering (REAEE)
  • Electronic Design (EDES)

Head of ASIC:

Erwin Susanto S.T., M.T., Ph.D

Automation Systems and Intelligent Control (ASIC) laboratories:

Head of REAEE:

Husneni Mukhtar S.Si, M.T., Ph.D

Renewable Energy and Advanced Electrical Engineering (REAEE) laboratories:

Head of EDES:

Dr. Rizki Ardianto Priramadhi, S.T., M.T.

Electronic Design (EDES) laboratory: