April 2020
Robot AUMR Pertama di Indonesia
Semakin meningkatnya kasus suspect dan positif Corona (Covid 19) di Indonesia, berbagai macam tindakan dilakukan oleh tim medis salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan isolasi pada suspect atau pasien positif Covid-19. Disinfeksi dan Sterilisasi ruang isolasi juga sangat diperlukan untuk menghilangkan dan mengurangi kontaminasi mikroorganisme (termasuk virus Covid 19) baik yang menempel pada benda (peralatan), lantai ataupun udara.
Interaksi langsung tim medis terhadap pasien positif Corona masih membuka peluang penularan yang sangat lebar. Untuk mengurangi resiko penularan terhadap tim medis, diperlukan sebuah metode dan alat disinfeksi sterilisasi yang efektif secara jarak jauh (remote) … Read More
Februari 2020
Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, a professor at Chiba University’s Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, is a specialist in remote sensing microwave radar systems for the observation of long-distance targets, conducting research and development in the field in addition to teaching. Remote sensing works by illuminating the earth’s surface with radio waves from satellites and aircraft, then analyzing and visualizing the scattering waves, allowing for observation of a wide range of surface conditions. Visualizing land deformation, for example, can be used to develop natural disaster countermeasures, and the ability to observe plant growth, waves on the ocean’s surface, and other phenomena has an extremely wide range of applications. Josaphat, from Indonesia, has developed his own remote sensing system, the Circularly Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar (CP-SAR), which utilizes microwaves’ ability to penetrate clouds, fog and smoke to obtain more accurate and detailed surface data…Read More